Friday, April 1, 2011

Information Dissemination and the New Digital Paradigm

Due to the influxes of new media there is now a new breed of activism that is changing all the rules of the game.  New levels of instant communication now exist that can spread the flame of political cause across borders within the blink of an eye.  Certainly in these situations some government factions due attempt to block and censor these new layers of communication.  this can be accomplished to a specific degree but often is not able to quell all attempts towards message propagation.  Somewhere someone will find a way to get the information out into the public arena.  All it takes is one line out to enable the world a glimpse of current political uprisings.  If the information has legs- it becomes viral.

In this new knowledge ecology brought about by the digital revolution, information seeks to become known.  In this manner pertinent knowing seems to filter its way to the top of the data minutia and onto the tips of the journalists expose.  Julian Assange's  Wiki Leaks can be taken as a prime example of this new manner in which information before unseen has found it's way into the public debate.  Of course there are many opposing arguments to the Wiki Leaks phenomenon, but what can not be argued is it's impact.  This new transparency is the new model upon which future political structures will be built.  All of this will be spurred by the grass roots lone wolf renegade journalist finding that one line out onto the digital either to propagate their story.  If the story has legs - it becomes viral.

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