Friday, April 15, 2011

Zen Market Driven Enlightenment

Advertising is everywhere.  We are all walking billboards with our loyalties stitched, screened, embedded, and sometimes even tattooed of our peripherals.  We clamor for it and repulse against it at the same time.  the modern consumer has become adapt at tunnel vision due to our over saturated landscapes filled to the brim with quantized slogans and market appeal.  Often it seems that trends towards anti-advertisements have become the vanguards cry.  So easily do the loud voices of idealistic scholars chastise the realms of the market driven campaign.  Suggestions and discourse on the matter turn to politically correct treaties delegating appropriateness of time and place.  These naive conversations neglect to touch on the realities of our consumer driven culture.  We all participate in the proliferation of marketing and advertising.  Having our cake and eating it too was never apart of the contract.  Someone has to pay for the party.

Understanding these simplistic and yet complex parameters for our modern day media experience can facilitate an enlightened sense of exposure to the ad driven marketplace.  Understanding that marketing is a necessity can lead to a symbiosis of audience and marketer.  Often personalized ad campaigns at the betwixt of new media can facilitate an exchange where in ad audiences creates a feedback loop in which informative marketing can behove both audience and marketer.  Another significant marketing movement capitalizes on an audiences experience.  Ads have become emersive with sponsored applications and lifestyle compatibilities.  These trends will only beckon greater efficiency.  We may be able to tunnel vision our way through a slogan free world but we will never be able to completely free ourselves from our own market filled desires.