Thursday, September 9, 2010


Q: Why was the XHTML bird an invalid?
A: Because it wasn't nested properly.
(courtesy of

HTML is not funny.  There is absolutely nothing funny about it.  This is serious.

The past week has been a belly flop off the high dive into the pool of HTML-and it was not pretty.  Of course HTML is extremely important.  Without it there would be no cool stuff on the internet to look at.  In fact, this conversation with all my loyal followers could not take place without this highly prized language.  HTML comprehension is pertinent to an aspiring internet wise guy such as myself, but I beg to ask the question "Why is this not fun?"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The World Of Cool

I have just recently arrived to the universe of blog.  Of course I am not an idiot.  I have heard of, clicked through, and mostly ignored blogs since their conception.  This is primarily due to the fact that I value aesthetics and have little patience for boredom.  I know what I like when I see it and if I'm not turned on within the first few glimpses I am off and running looking for something that captivates.  The mainstay of blogs that I have bumped into do not demand my attention.

Recently I have dived into this blogosphere minutia looking for something that excites my aesthetic taste buds.  What I have found is just a loud white noise.  Opinions and comments and ramblings that leave me wanting something else.  I can not exactly state what it is that I am seeking, but the four letter word cool keeps defining my approval ratings.  Of course cool is arbitrary, but it is also obvious.  Once one finds cool one knows cool.