Friday, March 25, 2011

The Google Eye In The Internet Sky

Google is now the big eye in the internet sky.  They have their hands in almost everything.  Though every new venture that Google attempts does not always end up smelling like roses, the company itself is leading the vanguard charge and staking claim to a wide range of unsettled or sparsely pioneered wild west.  They did start out as a rag tag outfit in some dorm room- the internet start up fairytale- but have now expanded beyond the edges to where only a challenger touched by the hands of the Gods could rival or even take down the empire that Google has become.  Is this a tumultuous development that all those in the free world should rise up against?  Many rhetoricians fear and question the future of the Googlization of Everything, but though their moto and battle cry "Do No Evil" might not harken the same angelic ideals as it did before corprate shares hung like gillitines over the necks of Google's top dogs, it still speaks volumes in that very few leaders of any industrial or technilogical revolution screamed at the walls of Jericho with such a politically correct and bright and sunshiny call to arms.

The invention of the printed word due to the Gutenburg's printing press often becomes the model of human evolution in regards to thinking and the disemination of knowledge when we are disecting and predicting the onslaught of exponitial change that the internet and the digital revolution has brought to modern man.  Certainly there are many correlations, but within this treatise on Google's omnipresence I wish to employ another model.  John D Rockefeller and several other parteners created the Standard Oil Company at he hight of the rise of the global demand for kerosine and gasoline deue to the invention of the combustabol engine.  At the time fortune hunters were all out seeking the next great cash of oil reserves, but Rockefeler and his crew sought a different angle.  They initiated to become the only oil refinery conglomerate to sasiate the ever growing need for engine fuel.  Due to brash bussiness tactics and a lot of blood sweat and tears Rockefeller created an empire that dwarfs Google.  Many writers have discussed and cronicalled John D Rockefellers rise and interesting enough he too seemed to have idealistic for the betterment of human kind ideals swathing umungst his moral intelect just as google's captain's of industry wish to "Do No Harm".

The Rockefeller family and empire often gets allot of flack.  They are often the subject of conspiracy nut jobs attempts to connect aristocracy to some sort of Illuminati world dominance, but if you really take a truthful look at the circumstances one will indelibly find out that much of the Rockefeller  fortune was disseminated throughout the United States in the forms of social charitable institutions.  Many library, hospitals, university, government buildings, and museums are all accountably traced back to large donations made by the Rockefeller Foundation.  It is easy to try and suggest malice undertakings about those in positions of industrial power, and of course corporate evil is real, but there are those that fate and ingenuity have betrothed as leaders revolutionized industry.  Just because you were smart enough to climb to the top of the hill does not mean that you house evil intentions.  Certainly those at the top of the food chain must stay within the scrutiny of the public eye, but there seems to be allot of haters around quibbling over the latest technological convergence.  The invisible hand of economics has and always will be the guiding light of these quandaries.

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