Friday, April 22, 2011

This Digital Divide Has No Bridge

There is a digital divide that will never be completely bridged.  Lately there has been much politically correct discourse on the implications of technology and the haves verses the have-nots.  As I sit glued to the banter of such conversations I feel as though I am trapped inside some sort of nightmarish PTA meeting in which all the middle class soccer moms desperately want to ensure that no child gets left behind.  Idealism is great for the middle class.  Such lofty notions of liberal equality only serve to soothe the guilt of "white-bread" wealth.  Scholastic discourse is comprised of the rich.  Certainly most involved in such debate are not heirs to vast fortunes, but the majority are privileged by generational wealth.  Most modern scholars live as queens and kings in comparison to the vast populace of our shared world and it's economy.  This fact is the elephant in the room that seems invisible to the bright eyed optimists living off of student loans arguing for the equality of technological access and literacy.

There have always been divisions created by economics.  Some feast while others famine.  Despite all the best intentions this FACT of life will never change.  This same situation resonates within the ideals of technological equality.  Of course human communication is being exponentially changed by our technological advancements.  Just as movable type revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge and literacy, so to is the digital revolution changing the dynamics of communication and culture connectivity.  The specifics of these two situations are the same.  Yes movable type allowed for vast numbers of people to have access to knowledge that was once replicated and controlled by authoritarianism, but not everyone was allowed this access.  Just because literature was more readily available did not insure that all humans were given/allowed access to this new availability of knowledge.  As it was then so too is it now.  Equality is an ideal.  There has never been true equality- nature does not work this way.  Evolution is a verifiable fact.  To suggest that we humans and the tools that we create are separate form the nature of Darwinism is moronic.

So to the bleeding hearts of the middle-class-political-correct-club I simply suggest that you count your blessings.  Yes equality is a moral goal to be sought after culturally, but lets not fool ourselves into believing that our daily luxuries were bestowed upon us without the subjugation of the impoverished.  This digital divide has no bridge for evolution is a harsh mistress.

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