Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Endless Search

I am on a n endless search.  I am contstatnly looking for the newest biggest wave to try to stand atop of.  I find this to be incredibly fun and in some way knowing what is really going down amongst my fellow seekers makes me feel apart of something.

I am taking a new direction for this blog post.  Of course we are to post here about things we are learning about and discovering in class, and in my own way i am continuing this here, but it is known to all well known that I do not have many followers here.  Partly because i am not standing behind my work here because i do not feel that is a true reflection of myself.  Many of the topics in this class are interesting but are not interesting enough for me to blog about.  I could just do the same old thing and put in a few search words and spit out some generic high schooled book report- but i am so tiered of that.  So like it or not, i am going to go about this in a new direction.

I beleive that this blog is most importantly a place for me to experiemnt and explore.  So in this weekly update i intend to do just that.  This past week we have discussed "search" and have attempted excersices inwhich we see how long we can go without searching for something on the internet.  In this excesise i failed imediatley.  I could not last three minuets without typing some random keyword into google.  To search is to be on the web.

and with that i will now present some of my latest finds.

A friend and I sometimes play a game where late at night we will mob Facebook and post as many pictures and tags within the pictures as we can.  Always throughout this process we are ripping on one another.  this latest round was won by yours truly.  Here are a few of the picture burns i got over on my homie Val.   

Warning these pictures will burn your eyes.

 This image was tagged:

Val Goes to College.
 This image was tagged:

Val waits for the short buss.

And this image was tagged:

Val at the office.

(these are just a few of the images that my friend Val and I mobbed up on Facebook two nights ago.)

If it were not for my superior skills at scanning for images I would have surley been defieated.  I have a knack for moving fast through sites, scanning for tidbits of interesting and valid information.  I am not sure where this will serve me outside of childish games, but I am configuring that angle and will update you as it is all figured out.  Though it probably will never be completely figured out and will eternally be a work in progress.  At least that way I won't get bored.


  1. just brillllllllllllll!!!!iante!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. congrats on the radical madical FINDS

  3. The experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."[1] In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence
